In the fast-paced gaming world, enthusiasts constantly seek new and innovative ways to enhance their gaming experiences. Origin PC’s Big O V3 has emerged as a revolutionary next-generation gaming system that breaks boundaries by combining a gaming PC, streaming PC, and multiple gaming consoles into a single powerhouse unit. With its unmatched versatility and cutting-edge design, the Big O V3 has captured the attention and admiration of gamers worldwide.

Origin PC has always been at the forefront of gaming technology, and the Big O V3 is a testament to its commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the gaming industry. This unique gaming system takes convenience and immersion to new heights, allowing gamers to seamlessly transition between different platforms without needing multiple devices.

Since its unveiling, the Big O V3 has garnered significant attention and acclaim from both gamers and industry experts. Its unique concept and the integration of high-performance hardware have solidified its position as a game-changer in the gaming community. Let us delve deeper into the features and capabilities of this exceptional gaming machine.

Note: The introduction sets the stage for the article, highlighting the innovative nature of the Big O V3 and its popularity among gamers. It provides a brief overview of the main points that will be discussed in the subsequent sections.


Overview of the Origin Big O V3:

The Origin Big O V3 concept is to create an all-in-one gaming system that seamlessly integrates a high-performance gaming PC, a streaming PC, and multiple gaming consoles, offering gamers the ultimate gaming experience in a single, unified unit. It brings together the best of both worlds, allowing users to enjoy the benefits of PC gaming and console gaming without the hassle of switching between different devices.

At the heart of the Big O V3 lies a powerful gaming PC equipped with top-of-the-line components that deliver exceptional performance. This gaming PC can run the latest games at high settings and resolutions, ensuring smooth gameplay and stunning visuals. It boasts a robust graphics card, like the NVIDIA RTX 3090, and a high-performance processor, like the AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, to handle the most demanding gaming tasks.

In addition to the gaming PC, the Big O V3 also integrates gaming consoles, including the Xbox One Series X, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch OLED. These consoles are not simply connected to the system; they are integrated into it, with each console featuring a liquid-cooling solution for optimal thermal management. This ensures that the consoles can operate at their full potential, delivering smooth performance and preventing overheating during intense gaming sessions.

The all-in-one nature of the Big O V3 offers unparalleled convenience to gamers. Instead of cluttering their gaming setup with multiple devices, users can have everything they need in a single unit. They can seamlessly switch between playing PC games, streaming content, and enjoying console gaming, all without switching cables or reconfiguring their setup. This streamlined experience allows gamers to focus on what they love most – gaming.

The Big O V3 not only offers convenience but also provides customization options to suit individual preferences. Users can personalize their system by selecting components and peripherals that meet their specific needs. This level of customization ensures that gamers can create their ideal gaming setup tailored to their preferences and requirements.

In conclusion, the Origin Big O V3 is an all-in-one gaming system that seamlessly combines a high-performance gaming PC, a streaming PC, and multiple gaming consoles. Its integration of top-of-the-line hardware, liquid-cooling solutions, and its all-in-one nature provides gamers with unmatched convenience and a truly immersive gaming experience. The Big O V3 represents a new era of gaming, where multiple platforms come together to create a unified and powerful gaming solution.


Powerful Hardware Specifications:

The Origin Big O V3 is a gaming behemoth that boasts impressive hardware specifications, ensuring a high-performance gaming experience across all platforms it integrates. Let’s delve into the powerful components that make up this gaming powerhouse.

  1. Gaming PC:

At the core of the Big O V3 is a gaming PC with top-of-the-line hardware. It has an NVIDIA RTX 3090 graphics card, renowned for its exceptional graphics rendering capabilities. The RTX 3090 delivers stunning visuals, real-time ray tracing, and high frame rates, allowing gamers to immerse themselves in breathtaking gaming worlds.

The Big O V3 is powered by the AMD Ryzen 9 5950X processor, which boasts 16 cores and 32 threads. With its high clock speeds and superior multitasking capabilities, the Ryzen 9 5950X ensures smooth gameplay, seamless streaming, and efficient performance in demanding applications.

  1. PlayStation 5 Integration:

The Big O V3 incorporates the PlayStation 5 (PS5), Sony’s next-generation console. The liquid-cooled PS5 integration ensures optimal cooling and performance. The PS5 delivers cutting-edge gaming experiences with its powerful hardware, including a custom AMD Zen 2 processor and a high-performance GPU. It supports ray tracing, 4K gaming, and high frame rates, providing stunning visuals and immersive gameplay.

  1. Xbox Series X Integration:

The Big O V3 also integrates the Xbox Series X, Microsoft’s flagship console. The liquid-cooled Xbox Series X integration ensures efficient cooling during intense gaming sessions. The Series X boasts a custom AMD Zen 2 processor and an RDNA 2 architecture-based GPU, enabling high-fidelity graphics, fast load times, and smooth gameplay. It supports 4K gaming and ray tracing and offers backward compatibility for many games.

  1. Nintendo Switch OLED Integration:

The Nintendo Switch OLED is another integral part of the Big O V3. With its liquid cooling system, the Switch OLED remains cool during extended gaming sessions. The Switch OLED provides the versatility of handheld gaming and a portable console experience. It features a vibrant OLED display, enhanced audio, and a vast library of Nintendo games, offering a unique gaming experience.

Integrating these gaming consoles within the Big O V3 ensures gamers have access to various gaming experiences spanning different platforms and exclusive titles.

With its combination of high-performance PC components, liquid-cooled consoles, and cutting-edge technology, the Origin Big O V3 delivers an ultimate gaming experience. Gamers can enjoy breathtaking graphics, immersive gameplay, and seamless performance across various games and genres. Whether it’s PC gaming, console gaming, or both, the Big O V3’s powerful hardware ensures that gamers can push the boundaries and indulge in the most demanding gaming experiences.


Unmatched Gaming Experience:

The Origin Big O V3 offers an unmatched gaming experience, combining the best of both console and PC gaming in a single unit. Let’s explore the gaming capabilities of this unique system and the seamless transition it provides between different gaming platforms.

  1. Console Gaming in 4K HDR:

With the integration of the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch OLED, the Big O V3 allows gamers to enjoy console gaming at its finest. These consoles support 4K resolution and HDR (High Dynamic Range), delivering stunning visuals with vibrant colors, enhanced contrast, and lifelike details. Gamers can immerse themselves in breathtaking worlds, experiencing games with exceptional graphical fidelity and realism.

  1. High-Refresh-Rate PC Gaming:

The gaming PC component of the Big O V3, equipped with an NVIDIA RTX 3090 graphics card and an AMD Ryzen 9 5950X processor, offers an exceptional PC gaming experience. Gamers can use high-refresh-rate monitors, allowing for silky-smooth gameplay with refresh rates of up to 240Hz. The powerful hardware ensures smooth frame rates, reduced input lag, and seamless performance, enabling gamers to react quickly and stay immersed in the fast-paced action.

  1. Seamless Transition between Console and PC Gaming:

One of the standout features of the Big O V3 is its seamless transition between console and PC gaming, eliminating the need for multiple devices and complicated setup configurations. Users can effortlessly switch between playing games on the integrated consoles and accessing their PC gaming library without hassle.

Whether gamers want to dive into a console-exclusive title or enjoy the extensive library of PC games, the Big O V3 offers convenience and flexibility. There’s no need to switch cables or change display inputs—everything is seamlessly integrated into a single system. This ensures a smooth transition between different gaming platforms, allowing gamers to focus on their gameplay and enjoy a hassle-free experience.

The Big O V3 provides a versatile and immersive gaming experience, offering the best of both console and PC gaming worlds. Gamers can enjoy the stunning visuals and exclusive titles offered by consoles while also benefiting from the flexibility, customization, and performance of PC gaming. The seamless transition between console and PC gaming within the Big O V3 eliminates the need for multiple devices, streamlining the gaming setup and enhancing the overall gaming experience.

With the Origin Big O V3, gamers can truly have it all, experiencing the finest gaming moments across different platforms without compromise.


Innovative Design and Cooling System:

The Origin Big O V3 showcases an innovative design that combines functionality, aesthetics, and efficient cooling to create a great gaming system. Let’s explore the design elements and cooling system of the Big O V3, including its integration within the CORSAIR 1000D Case.

  1. Design and Aesthetics:

The Big O V3 makes a bold statement by including the CORSAIR 1000D Case. This full-tower case offers ample space to accommodate the gaming PC, streaming PC, and integrated consoles, ensuring a clean and organized setup. The CORSAIR 1000D Case features a sleek and modern design with tempered glass panels, allowing users to showcase the powerful hardware and mesmerizing RGB lighting effects.

Combining premium materials, attention to detail, and thoughtful cable management results in an aesthetically pleasing and visually striking gaming system. The Big O V3 is a high-performance gaming powerhouse and a stunning centerpiece that enhances any gaming setup.

  1. Liquid Cooling Systems:

Efficient cooling is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and preventing thermal throttling. The Big O V3 incorporates liquid cooling systems for both the consoles and the PC components, ensuring efficient heat dissipation and reliable performance during intensive gaming sessions.

The liquid cooling solutions integrated into the consoles, such as the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch OLED, help keep their temperatures in check. This enables the consoles to operate at peak performance, minimizing the risk of overheating and maintaining consistent frame rates and stability.

Additionally, the Big O V3 gaming PC component is equipped with a robust liquid cooling system. Liquid cooling helps dissipate heat from the powerful hardware, including the CPU and GPU, more effectively than traditional air cooling. This allows for sustained high-performance gaming and extends the lifespan of the components by keeping them at lower temperatures.

  1. Additional Features and User Experience:

The Big O V3 goes beyond its impressive hardware and cooling capabilities to enhance the overall user experience. The system offers a range of customization options, allowing users to personalize their setup according to their preferences. This includes selecting RGB lighting effects, choosing from different components and peripherals, and even customizing the exterior appearance of the CORSAIR 1000D Case.

Furthermore, the Big O V3 incorporates thoughtful design elements for user convenience. Easy accessibility to ports, ample storage options, and efficient cable management contribute to a clutter-free and user-friendly gaming experience. The system is designed with future upgrades in mind, ensuring that gamers can adapt and enhance their setup as technology advances.

In summary, the Origin Big O V3 impresses not only with its powerful hardware and seamless integration of gaming platforms but also with its innovative design and cooling system. The integration within the CORSAIR 1000D Case provides a visually appealing and organized setup, while the liquid cooling systems for the consoles and PC components ensure efficient cooling and optimal performance. With additional features and design elements that prioritize user convenience and customization, the Big O V3 offers an exceptional gaming experience both in terms of performance and aesthetics.


Versatility and Flexibility:

The Origin Big O V3 offers unparalleled versatility and flexibility, allowing gamers to switch between console and PC gaming without any hassle seamlessly. Let’s explore the convenience and additional features that contribute to the versatility of this great gaming system.

  1. Seamless Transition between Console and PC Gaming:

One of the standout features of the Big O V3 is its ability to transition between console and PC gaming seamlessly. With the integrated PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch OLED, gamers can easily switch between playing console-exclusive titles and accessing their PC gaming library. Switching cables, changing display inputs, or reconfiguring the setup is unnecessary. Gamers can select their desired gaming platform and immerse themselves in their favorite games without interruption.

This seamless transition saves time and enhances the overall gaming experience. Gamers can enjoy the diverse range of exclusive titles and unique gameplay experiences offered by consoles while also benefiting from the customization options, performance, and extensive game library of PC gaming.

  1. Convenience of Multiple Gaming Platforms in One Unit:

The Big O V3 eliminates the need for multiple devices and cluttered gaming setups by integrating multiple gaming platforms into a single unit. Gamers can have their high-performance gaming PC, streaming PC, and consoles neatly organized within the CORSAIR 1000D Case. This streamlined design saves space, reduces cable clutter, and simplifies the gaming setup, offering a clean and efficient gaming environment.

The convenience of having multiple gaming platforms in one unit allows gamers to have a versatile gaming experience without compromise. Whether they prefer the exclusives and simplicity of console gaming or the customization and power of PC gaming, the Big O V3 provides the flexibility to switch between platforms based on personal preference, game availability, or specific gaming needs.

  1. Additional Features and Customization Options:

The Big O V3 offers additional features and customization options that further enhance its versatility. Users can personalize their gaming experience by selecting components and peripherals that meet their specific needs and preferences. This includes choosing the desired CPU, GPU, storage capacity, RAM, and other components to tailor the system’s performance to their gaming requirements.

Furthermore, the Big O V3 supports various connectivity options, allowing users to connect external devices such as VR headsets, controllers, and gaming accessories. This expands the gaming possibilities and accommodates different gaming preferences.

The system’s customization options extend beyond hardware choices. Users can customize the RGB lighting effects to create a personalized aesthetic matching their gaming setup. This level of customization ensures that the Big O V3 can adapt to individual preferences and evolve with the user’s changing needs.

In conclusion, the Origin Big O V3 offers unmatched versatility and flexibility by seamlessly integrating console and PC gaming in a single unit. The convenience of switching between platforms, the space-saving design, and the additional features and customization options contribute to a gaming experience that caters to individual preferences and adapts to evolving gaming needs. The Big O V3 truly embodies the future of gaming, providing a unified and versatile solution for gamers who want it all.



The Origin Big O V3 stands as the ultimate gaming powerhouse, seamlessly merging the realms of PC and console gaming into a single, versatile unit. With its exceptional features and advantages, this gaming system has revolutionized the gaming experience in several ways.

First and foremost, the Big O V3 offers a unique blend of PC and console gaming, allowing users to switch between platforms effortlessly. Whether gamers crave the exclusives and simplicity of consoles or the customization and power of PC gaming, the Big O V3 caters to their preferences. This versatility eliminates the need for multiple devices and complicated setups, streamlining the gaming experience and enhancing convenience.

The hardware specifications of the Big O V3 are truly impressive. It integrates a PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch OLED, NVIDIA RTX 3090 graphics card, and AMD Ryzen 9 5950X processor. These components deliver exceptional performance, ensuring breathtaking visuals, smooth gameplay, and seamless multitasking.

The gaming experience offered by the Big O V3 is unmatched. Gamers can enjoy 4K HDR gaming on consoles, immersing themselves in visually stunning and lifelike worlds. Additionally, high-refresh-rate PC gaming provides a smooth and responsive gameplay experience, with the powerful hardware handling demanding titles effortlessly. The seamless transition between console and PC gaming within the Big O V3 enhances convenience and allows gamers to enjoy the best of both worlds without interruption.

The design and cooling system of the Big O V3 further contributes to its excellence. The integration within the CORSAIR 1000D Case showcases a sleek and modern aesthetic, while the liquid cooling systems ensure efficient heat dissipation and optimal performance. Additional features and customization options allow users to tailor their gaming experience to their liking, creating a personalized setup that suits their preferences.

Overall, the Origin Big O V3 significantly revolutionizes the gaming experience. Combining the best aspects of PC and console gaming offers gamers the ultimate gaming solution. The Big O V3 eliminates the need to choose between platforms, providing a unified and versatile experience. It has truly redefined gaming by offering seamless transitions, powerful hardware, stunning visuals, and convenient customization options.

With the Origin Big O V3, gamers can delve into a new era of gaming where boundaries between platforms blur and possibilities expand. It represents a significant leap forward in gaming technology, setting new standards for performance, convenience, and immersion. The Big O V3 is not just a gaming system; it’s a testament to the endless possibilities and innovation within the gaming industry.

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