Tinder is a popular dating app with more than 75 million active users every month and a remarkable record of successfully matching more than 65 billion users worldwide. With continuous updates and improvements coming in the app to develop and meet demands, one of the new features launched by the app is swipe surge. What is Swipe Surge?

We will discuss swipe surge, how to potentially increase your chances of getting matched using this feature and more. Continue reading to find out. 

What is Tinder Swipe Surge? 

Swipe surge is a new feature of Tinder that will provide you real-time updates when the active user count in the specific area you are in increases. So you can actively hop in the surging and spike up your chances of getting matched with another user active in the same area.

A swipe surge will kick off when the amount of users in a specific area hits a drastic increment than usual, which is generally X2. A swipe surge is a natural boost in Tinder to find your partner relatively faster.

Depending on user activity levels, it can happen anytime and last from minutes to hours. When more users are active browsing and chatting, the swipe surge will be on the go, and when the active user count starts to drop, the swipe surge will eventually go off.

When Tinder starts to surge, you will receive a push notification. You will automatically become part of the surging process by simply clicking it. There is no other signing up or registration process needed. And the good news is that this feature is entirely free to use. 

When you want to be a part of the swipe surge, your profile will jump into the front of the queue after you click the push notification. Users who are not a part of the swipe surge will be left behind in the line. You will have high exposure to your profile than average. Other active users will also know your activity status, so it will be easier to match up and meet up within a matter of time.  

According to Tinder, a swipe surge can increase your chances of getting matched up to 250%. And your percentage of chance to slide into a new conversation with a match is estimated to be 33%. The user activity will also be X15 higher than usual during a swipe surge.

Swipe surging is based on geographical location, making the dating process extra efficient and faster as you can go from messaging to meeting in no time. The feature transitions the dating style of waiting for hours to get matched into a new level by matching you in minutes and even creating the chance for you to meet up and have fun. The processing period is greatly shrunken, which can’t be more good news to single users waiting to find their ideal match. 

When does A Swipe Surge Happen on Tinder? 

A tinder swipe surge can happen at any time. The only factor determining it is the user activity levels in the specific area. When the active user count starts to spike in a particular area, Tinder will start surging to help users find their match in the area. 

Usually, it can happen on festivals, holidays, concert days, Sunday nights, Mondays, rainy days and other special events. Or it can happen on days when people are likely to be less busy as users are more likely to become active on the app during such circumstances. When the user count hits the targeted metric, the surge will begin. 

How to Take Part in Swipe Surge? 

As I mentioned earlier, there is no complicated line of procedures to perform to become a part of the swipe surging. Clicking on the push notification during the surge will make you a part of the process. Though, you will have to make sure your notifications are on to not miss out on any surging. 

To ensure you will receive notifications from Tinder of ongoing swipe surges, 

Open the app and go to the setting menu. Scroll down and find the option “Manage Swipe Surge”. Tap on it, and it will direct you to a page with the option “Show me in Swipe Surge”. If the option is on, you will receive a push notification during a swipe surge and simply logging in to the app right after will make you a part of the surging. You can browse, chat and on just like the crowd of other active users participating in the swipe surge. 

On the other hand, if you do not want to be a part of the tinder swipe surge and want less exposure, switch off the” Show me in Swipe Surge” option. You can find it in the “Manage Swipe Surge” option from the settings menu. You will not receive any notifications about the swipe surge after it.

How to Take Advantage of the Tinder Swipe Surge? 

Tinder swipe surge cannot possibly be of any form of disadvantage unless you have no intentions of finding a partner. The dating app’s core purpose is to find an ideal match to start your love life. And tinder swipe surge makes it more convenient, easier and efficient for you.

Even though a swipe surge increases the probability of finding a match, success and failure do not depend on the app but on you. How to correctly take advantage of this feature and succeed in finding your dream match? 

Here are a few tips that can help you find a partner faster, 

  • Have an attention-grabbing profile picture. 
  • Have a simple bio. Don’t be too short or too long. 
  • Use good quality photos that tell about your personality or what kind of a person you are in real life. 
  • Avoid being cliché in any form. 
  • Do not use group photos as profile pictures. 
  • Cut off excess filters and editing in your pictures. 
  • Start a conversation with like-hearted people
  • Be up-to-date and creative.
  • Use tinder premium features.

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