A discontinued third-party YouTube application for Android with an integrated ad blocker is called YouTube Advanced or Advanced. Due to the software’s ad-blocking capabilities, the name Vanced is derived from the word advanced but with the ad removed. SponsorBlock, background play, free picture-in-picture (PiP), an AMOLED black theme, swipe control for brightness and volume, and the capacity to restore dislike counts on YouTube videos are some of the app’s distinctive features. Subsequently, Vanced also had a YouTube Music version created.

In other words, Youtube Vanced is an application that is based on YouTube and enables you to watch YouTube videos devoid of any form of advertising. Different kinds of advertisements will annoy you in a typical YouTube app. However, this app also offers some additional features and allows you to watch YouTube videos without any ads.

Is Youtube Vanced for iPhone Available? 

After receiving a cease and desist letter from Google that required them to stop creating and distributing YouTube Vanced, the developers made the decision to shut down the application on March 13, 2022. But those who have already downloaded the app can continue to use it until there are no more updates and it stops functioning.

YouTube Basic Features Advanced 

Vanced’s primary feature is its ability to block YouTube ads and skip in-video sponsor segments with SponsorBlock. In addition, there are

  • forced HDR setting
  • VP9 codec is forced
  • alter the maximum resolution
  • Volume and brightness are controlled by swipes

The floating window feature of the picture-in-picture mode enables watching videos while Background play enables background audio and video playback. Background play requires a Google login similar to the one used by the original YouTube app.

Youtube Vanced for iPhone

Youtube Vanced for iphone – What Happened in 2023?
Youtube Vanced for iPhone

At first, YouTube Advanced was created specifically for the Android market. However, the features of this app also served as inspiration for iPhone users, which helped the app’s reputation grow. Everyone is therefore interested in whether Vanced is available for iOS. In general, Vanced is a modified version of the stock YouTube app for Android that includes many additional features like ad blocking, background playback, sponsor ad blocking, auto-repeat, and many more. Unfortunately, this app is only available for Android users to download; Team Vanced has not yet created YouTube Vanced for iOS. Vanced for iOS can’t be downloaded right now. Anyway, Vanced is currently unavailable for both Apple and Android devices. How did Vanced function? What are your options?

What happened to Vanced? 

Youtube Vanced for iPhone

Recently, Google delivered a cease-and-desist letter to the creators of the well-known third-party YouTube mod app Vanced. The YouTube Vanced team made the decision to stop working on the app and remove all of the download links as a result. For years, Android users have had YouTube Vanced as a friend, allowing them to watch YouTube videos without ads, play background music, and use other premium features. Here are the best substitute options to watch YouTube videos on your phone if you’re a YouTube Vanced user looking for a new app.

Youtube Vanced for iPhone or Alternatives? 

For Vanced, there is an alternative app. The best Vanced substitute for Apple iOS users is YouTube++. The YouTube app is a modified version of the original. However, this app falls short of providing all the premium features that Vanced does. YouTube++ serves as a critical replacement for YouTube Vanced iOS in the absence of the former.

Features of Youtube++

  • Turn off all video ads
  • Reading in the distance
  • Keep videos
  • direct video sharing
  • There is a maximum resolution zoom option.
  • Numerous themes, including black and white.
  • repeating self
  • Obtain videos
  • Use this YouTube app while running other programs in the background.

Then, you can follow the easy instructions provided below to download this app for your iPhone. 

  • To download, click the green button below.
  • After 15 seconds, your download will start.
  • The download will require some time.
  • When the download is finished, select the install option. You made it. 
  • Additional Remedies for Vanced

The Top 8 Advanced YouTube Alternatives 

  • body of the YouTube Premium YouTube channel
  • NewPipe
  • Advanced YouTube alternative with Newpipe
  • SkyTube
  • Firefox with uBlock Origin and LibreTube
  • Kiwi with SponsorBlock and UBlock Origin
  • Modify DNS to prevent YouTube ads


The best app that we can suggest to you if you want to watch YouTube videos with extra features like ad-free and different backgrounds is called Vanced. so that, you should try the YouTube Pink and YouTube Red versions if the first one doesn’t work. However, since Vanced is no longer in use, you can switch to YouTube instead. 


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